Is PE kit compulsory?
Yes. Our PE kit consists of a plain white t-shirt, black shorts or tracksuit bottoms, white socks and black plimsolls (no logo on any item of clothing).

How do I contact the Headteacher?
You can do one of a number of things.
1) Call in to the school office and make an appointment.
2) Email the school office
3) Write a letter.
Our Headteacher, Ms Hasker is always happy to meet with you. In her absence, Ms Moxom is available.

Can an older sibling pick up my child at the end of the day?
If you have an older child who is regularly going to be picking up after school and is aged between 16-18 years, please inform us in writing first. You can hand in your letter to the School Office. The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents and the NSPCC recommend that no one under 16 should be left to care for a younger child. 
It is the parent/carer’s responsibility to ensure that a child is dropped off and collected by a responsible person if it is not safe for the child to walk home unsupervised. There is no minimum age set in law when a young person is allowed to remain in charge of another child, however it is an offence to leave a child alone if it places them at risk. This can include in the care of an older sibling if the level of supervision is ‘likely to cause unnecessary suffering or injury to health’ (Children and Young Persons Act, 1933). Therefore parents/carers must understand and be prepared to take responsibility for anything that should go wrong in their absence. They are also responsible for the care and safety of their eldest child, even while that child is acting in a caring role for younger siblings. 

Do the children have swimming lessons?
Swimming is part of the Key Stage 2 PE curriculum, children from KS2 visit Northolt Swimming pool for weekly lessons. We travel to the swimming pool by bus.  

What is the school policy on jewellery?
All children are strongly discouraged from wearing any jewellery in school. If your child would like to wear jewellery, we do not take any responsibility for loss, damage or injury caused by jewellery.

What are the options available for school meals?
School meals are provided by ISS’s catering service. Each week they provide a choice of freshly cooked healthy food that caters to a range of dietary needs. All food served is Halal. 
In order for your child to receive a hot meal, we ask for dinner money to be paid in advance. This payment can either be paid weekly or termly via the ISS website. The cost of a school meal is £2.35 per day or £11.75 per week. Please note that this is the only way to pay for school meals. Cash and cheques cannot be accepted. 

What can my child take for packed lunch?
Children may bring their own packed lunch each day if they prefer. However, sweets, chocolate and fizzy drinks and crisps are not allowed in packed lunches. Packed lunches should be in a lunchbox or container that is clearly marked with your child’s name and class. Please see the healthy lunches in the school meals section.

What happens if my child is ill or has an accident at school?
We have qualified first aid staff within the school and they will administer first aid for minor accidents and illnesses that happen during the school day. If your child has had a bump on the head or any injury that may need continuing care, parents will be notified by the school and the first aider involved. You will receive a pink slip with symptoms to look out for after they have bumped their head. If your child needs to go to the hospital, the parent / guardian will be informed.

What is the schools policy on attendance and punctuality?
The highest levels of attendance and punctuality are expected at Woodlands. For children to progress they need to be in school on time every day. We believe regular attendance makes a big difference to a child’s learning and enjoyment at school; it is the parent’s responsibility to make sure that their child attends school regularly. If your child will be absent for any reason, please inform the school, by phone, in person or writing. Each morning we expect the children to arrive at school by 8.45am as late arrivals disrupt the the learning of all children. If your child does arrive late they must report to the main school office. We expect children to be in school every day. If attendance drops below 95%, parents will be contacted.

Can my child be taken on holiday during term time?
Children will not be given permission for holidays during term time. If an absence is not authorised, parents who take their children out of school during term time are reported to their local authorities and could face a fine.

What kind of rules will my child be expected to follow?
Woodlands Academy has a Behaviour Policy that all children and staff must follow. Children are expected to behave in a kind and respectful way to ensure that learning and enjoyment takes place at Woodlands.

What do I do if my child has lost a piece of clothing?
All children’s uniform should be clearly labelled. If an item goes missing your child must inform the class teacher  and look in the lost property. We will do our utmost to find lost items but we are unable to provide a replacement.

Where is the lost property kept?
Lost property can be accessed via the School Office. This lost property will be taken out to the playground at 3pm at the end of each term where parents are encouraged to check through for their missing items. It is a really good idea to write children’s names in their clothing with a permanent marker.

When will my child start in Reception?
This will depend on their age and parental preference, usually children join Reception class in the September before their 5th birthday. Please contact the school office for more information.

What is the best time to talk to the teacher if I have a question?
We would advise you to speak to the teacher at the end of the school day after all the children have been dismissed. We can also make appointments in the school office for parents to see the class teacher or another member of staff. You can communicate with teachers using the class email address. 

Where can I find out about school policies and procedures?
Take a look at our Policies section on our website. If you would like a paper copy of any of the information on our website, please contact the School Office.

How can parents get involved?
We encourage parents to get involved in various ways from attending trips to individual reading in classes. Please contact Ms Moxom if you would like to help out in school. We try to meet fortnightly for coffee mornings to keep the parent community strong. Information about events in school can be found in the events section. Parents will also be reminded of events by text.

Wishing all our families a happy and safe Half Term. See you back to school on Monday 24th February 2025. To read our most recent Woodlands Bulletin click here.

We have School places available. To apply online please click here