Home Learning at Woodlands

Home learning tasks are set to consolidate and extend what children have been learning in school. Activities related to the learning in class are set weekly by the class teacher on Google Classroom. You can find out about what days home learning is sent out and due by asking your class teacher or looking at your Class site. Pupils submit their work and feedback is provided.

Home learning tasks are usually based around English, Maths or topic areas. At times, pupils may also be asked to complete special practical projects around what they are learning.   Parental involvement with home learning is a great way to build your child’s confidence, their speaking and listening skills and to support them in becoming strong writers, readers and mathematicians. 

We also provide opportunities for children to develop English & Maths online through websites such as Bug Club and Mathletics. Pupils can log in to these via the ‘Class and subjects sites’ area under the ‘Curriculum’ tab.

As a school, we encourage pupils to read daily at home and practice their spellings and multiplication tables. Teachers carry out weekly spelling and multiplication tables tests to encourage this, so it is important for children to practice at home. 

How can you access weekly home learning tasks?

Click the Google Classroom logo above or visit your class site then click on the Google Classroom section on the homepage.

Remote Learning availability

If for any reason, your child is well but unable to attend school, remote learning can be provided through Google classroom upon request. Please contact the school office or email your child’s class teacher for further information. 

Reading at home

Parents and carers are encouraged to read with their children everyday. You can hear them read or read to your child.  It is important to talk to your child about what they can see in the pictures, what the characters are doing and what might happen next. Click here- Reading Guide for Parents

Parents should use their child’s Reading Record book to record comments about their reading. In upper KS2, we also encourage pupils to reflect on their reading and write their own comments. This helps us to keep track of their reading and gives the children a sense of achievement and also value to their reading skills.

If you would like further support to help your child with their reading, please speak with your child’s teacher who will be more than willing to help. Your child’s Reading Record book also has information about how to support your child. 

If your child loses their Reading Record or home learning book, there is a replacement cost of £2.00. These can be ordered at the School Office.

Image result for schofield and sims reading record   Image result for schofield and sims reading record

Borrowing books from our new library

We are very fortunate to have a brand new library which each class gets to visit once a week to borrow a book. It is very important that these books are only taken for 2 weeks at a time 

What can I do as a parent/guardian?

  • encourage your child to read every night. This also includes someone else reading to them at home and talking to them about their books. Use the Parent guide to help with questioning.
  • ensure all books brought home are taken care of and kept in an acceptable standard. 
  • ensure your child brings their books and reading record/journal to school every day in the book bag they have been given by school. 

Lost books, bags and overdue books 

    • If your child has lost their plastic book bag, you can purchase another one from
      the School Office for £1. If you would like to purchase a green Woodlands Academy fabric bookbag, you can purchase this here.
    • Lost books: Any books that are lost will need to be replaced. You will be charged £5 for us to replace the book or we are also happy for you to buy a replacement yourself. Until then, your child will not be able to take out any other books.
    • All children have 2 weeks to keep their library books. After this, should they wish to keep their book, they will just need to sign it in and out again. 
    • Overdue books: Once a book is shown as ‘overdue’ on the system, you will be sent letters to remind you to return it. After 30 days, you will receive a final warning letter and if we still have not received it, we will then contact you for payment so that we can replace this book.

Happy Reading!

Wishing all our families a happy and safe Half Term. See you back to school on Monday 24th February 2025. To read our most recent Woodlands Bulletin click here.

We have School places available. To apply online please click here