We are pleased to welcome you to our Nursery. We hope that you find the following information interesting and useful. The aim of the Nursery is to provide a happy, simulating and secure learning environment for your child to develop socially, emotionally, physically and intellectually.

To help support your child settle into their new environment, we have developed a social story for Nursery which you can read to them:

Starting Nursery social story 


Our Day

Nursery Times: Monday to Friday during term time: 8:30am – 11:30am OR 12:00pm – 3:00pm
30 hours weekly provision is also available (8:30am – 3:00pm)

Our Curriculum

We aim to provide a happy, stimulating and secure place for your child to develop:

  • Socially
  • Emotionally
  • Physically
  • Intellectually

At Woodlands we celebrate cultural events from all over the world. This helps to promote a sense of belonging and understanding. Each child will have an Early Years Profile to enable teachers to plan appropriate activities for your child’s development across the seven areas of learning. Three ‘prime’ and four ‘specific’.

The six areas of learning are:


  • Communication & Language
  • Physical development
  • Personal , social and emotional development


  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding of the world
  • Expressive arts and design

Home Visits

We will arrange a date and time for your child’s teacher to visit your child at home. This will give your child’s teacher an opportunity to see your child in a place he/she feels safe and secure. It will also be a chance for you to talk to our Nursery teacher about your child’s interests, likes and dislikes and their health and well being.

Parental involvement

We enjoy having parents playing and working with the children in the Nursery. If you have some spare time and would like to be involved with our activities, please talk to a member of staff for further information.

Important Information

Settling In

Children must feel happy and secure before they can begin to learn through playing and exploring. To help settle your child, we expect you to stay with your child until we all agree that your child is ready to stay at nursery.

For to security reasons the nursery gates will be closed ten minutes after the session begins.

Late children will report to the office..


Good attendance is important for your child’s progress, and your child should only be kept off if he or she is ill. If your child is unable to come to nursery please telephone or email the school office and send in anote when your child returns.

Because of the high demand for Nursery places, attendance rates will be monitored and if the reason for absence is unsatisfactory your child’s place will be withdrawn and offered to another child on the waiting list.

If your child is absent at any time we require a written or verbal explanation on his or her return.

Collecting Children

All Nursery children must be collected by a responsible adult. Please do not send young teenagers to collect your child from Nursery.

If someone other that yourself is going to collect your child, please tell a member of staff at the beginning of the session or telephone the school office on: 020 8998 2479


Please keep to the Nursery times so that your child takes full advantage of their session at Nursery.

A child may become anxious if they think they are going to be left behind when they can see other children going home, so please ensure that you collect your child on time.

Toilet Training

Your child needs to be toilet trained by the time they start Nursery. Please help us by doing everything you can before your child starts.

You can help your child by putting him or her in easily manageable clothing when they come to Nursery. The school uniform has been designed with this in mind.

Please provide a spare set of clothing for your child to change into if they get wet.

Parental Involvement

We really enjoy having parents working with the children in the Nursery. If you have some spare time and would like to be involved with our activities, please talk to one of the staff. This does not need to be a regular commitment, just give us a couple of days notice so that we can make the maximum use of your time.


Cooking is a regular activity in our Nursery and we would be very grateful for a voluntary contribution of £4.00 per term. This would help cover the cost of the ingredients as well as enabling us to buy extras such as flour for play dough.


We have a no jewellery policy at the school. If children have pierced ears, the Governors have agreed to allow small stud earrings


Children will have access to the outdoor area in all weather conditions. Please ensure your child has suitable clothing, for example a raincoat and Wellington boots when it is raining.

Please label your child’s coat, bag, jumper and Wellingtons with their name.


During dressing up play, your child may want to change into different shoes. It would help them and us if they did not wear training shoes or boots with long laces but instead wore Velcro or slip on shoes, preferably with rubber soles in order to be safe outside. Choosing shoes that are safe is particularly important in the summer months when flip-flops, open toed sandals and clogs are dangerous on our climbing equipment.


Please make sure that your emergency contact form is kept up to date, we need this if your child is taken ill or has an accident at school. If your child is absent at anytime, we require a written or verbal explanation on his or her return.

Please do not hesitate to come and talk to us about any issues or ideas you would like to discuss. We very much hope that your child will be happy and enjoying learning in our nursery.

Wishing all our families a happy and safe Half Term. See you back to school on Monday 24th February 2025. To read our most recent Woodlands Bulletin click here.

We have School places available. To apply online please click here