Behaviour expectations at Woodlands 

At Woodlands Academy we believe that a stimulating learning environment, engaging curriculum and high behaviour expectations are essential to creating a safe, happy learning space. 

We value the importance of establishing and maintaining clear, consistent rules and routines in school. This way, pupils understand what is expected of them in terms of their learning and behaviour. 

Our Behaviour Policy is based on positive reinforcement by acknowledging and rewarding positive choices and reminding pupils to make better choices if they are not doing so. Sanctions are put in place as laid out in the GOING FOR GREEN system, explained in the school’s Behaviour Policy.

Our school rules are:

At Woodlands we live by 4 simple rules:

  • Be kind and caring
  • Listen carefully
  • Follow instructions
  • Be at school everyday, on time

We believe that these 4 rules are the foundations to being successful. In addition to our school rules, we also have 4 main values that help guide our behaviour and attitudes towards each other and our learning. These values are:

Respect          Resilience          Self-belief          Determination

These values along with others such as honesty, friendship, responsibility, perseverance and kindness empower us to be good citizens within our community.

Our philosophy and values underpin our work to promote British values of  democracy, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those from all faiths, backgrounds and cultures.  

We regularly share and discuss this through our school curriculum and assemblies. 

Class Dojos

At Woodlands Academy we use Class Dojos to reward positive behaviour. Each child has their own dojo character and can earn dojos throughout the day. 

  • STAR OF THE DAY-The teacher choses a child to become ‘star of the day’ to earn 10 dojos.
  • GREEN– Each child will start the day with their name on green. If they stay on green all day by following the school rules, they will be awarded 5 dojos!
  • First warning– Verbal reminder will be given. The child still has time to think about the choices they have made. A dot will be added next to their name. They will still have an opportunity to receive 5 dojos at the end of the day.
  • Second warning- Second verbal warning will be given and their name will be moved between the green and amber and they will not receive the 5 dojos at the end of the day.
  • Third warning– AMBER- They will be asked to move to the time-out area within their classroom to complete work and think about what they could have done better. They might need to use resources to help regulate their emotions. After a short reflective period (10 minutes) they will rejoin their group. Their name will be moved to AMBER on the chart. They will lose 3 dojos.
  • Fourth warning: RED- They will be sent to have time out of class in the other ‘partner’ class for the rest of the session with work to be completed.  Their name will be moved to RED on the chart and it is logged by the class teacher on CPOMS.

The top 2 dojo winners per half term will receive a prize from the Reward Store. 

Children with additional needs will not receive sanctions for any behaviour which is part of their recognised needs. Instead, teachers will follow strategies recommended by external agencies and the SENCO as outlined in their learning plan. Children who have been put onto a personalised behaviour chart will have their own targets/ short rewards to work on throughout the day.

Wishing all our families a happy and safe Half Term. See you back to school on Monday 24th February 2025. To read our most recent Woodlands Bulletin click here.

We have School places available. To apply online please click here